The objective of this session is to provide a forum to scientists and engineers to discuss the recent advances in the large area of physical properties and physical chemistry.
The session is structured with keynote lectures by eminent scientists and engineers, and oral and poster presentations.
The contents can include molecular thermodynamics, thermophysical properties, solution structure, macromolecules, mesoscopic systems, ionic liquids, process design and simulation, molecular simulations and techniques, and quantum simulations.

Keynote talks
- “New activity coefficient model for correlation and prediction of phase equilibria,”
Yoshio Iwai, Kyushu University
- “Phase Equilibria of diethyl carbonate (DEC) mixtures with alcohols and hydrocarbons related to gasoline property,”
Gede Wibawa, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
- “Gas absorption property and mechanism of ionic liquids,”
Takashi Makino, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- Daisuke Kodama, Nihon University (Chief of chairs)
- Takeshi Sugahara, Osaka University (Poster session chair)
- Masashi Haruki, Kanazawa University
The fluid-particle processing is related to quite a few processes for chemical products such as organic or non-organic materials, metal, ceramic, drug, food, etc. Therefore, fundamental and/or transdisciplinary knowledge of the fluid-particle processing is required in the chemical process design. In this session, researches on the following topics in the field of fluid-particle processing will be discussed; Heat and mass transfer, Fluid engineering, Mixing, Bubbles, drops, and particles dispersion engineering, Fluidization and Powder process engineering.
The contents can include heat and mass transfer, fluid engineering, mixing, bubbles, drops, particles dispersion, fluidization, powder processing.

Keynote talks
- “Fluidization-based reaction-decoupling fuel conversion fundamentals and technologies,”
Guangwen Xu, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology
- “Energy recovery from sewage sludge by combined hydrothermal pretreatment and CO2 gasification,”
Chi-Hwa Wang, National University of Singapore
- “Bubble dynamics in gas-solid fluidized beds of ellipsoidal particles,”
Zongyan Zhou, Monash University
- “Hard-sphere / pseudo-particle modeling of reaction-diffusion coupling,”
Wei Ge, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- “Understanding and controlling particle mixing and de-mixing,”
Hsiu-Po Kuo, Chang Gung University
- Kuniaki Gotoh, Okayama University (Chief of chairs)
- Yasuhiro Saito, Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Naoto Ohmura, Kobe University
- Makoto Yoshimoto, Yamaguchi University
- Tsutomu Nakazato, Kagoshima University
- Takafumi Seto, Kanazawa University
- Hsiu-Po Kuo, Chang Gung University
- Yasushi Mino, Okayama University (Poster session chair)
Recent development of heat transfer phenomena and its relating process such as high efficient energy utilization and energy saving technology will be discussed. The session also widely covers material processing, unit operation and numerical modeling relating heat transfer from both of fundamental and application viewpoints.
The contents can include heat transfer operation, heat transfer in material processing, plasma processing, numerical modeling and CFD, phase change, heat transfer enhancement, energy conversion, thermodynamics, and combustion.

Keynote talks
- “Functional material fabrication and thermophysical property measurement using containerless processing,”
Jianding Yu, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- “On the performance enhancement of spray cooling with the inverse Marangoni effect: chasing the heat,”
Chen-Li Sun, National Taiwan University
Invited talks
- “Buoyancy effect on the secondary flow and heat transfer in a marginally turbulent square duct,”
Atsushi Sekimoto, Osaka University
- “Investigation of temperature fluctuation of diode-rectified multiphase AC arc by high-speed visualization,”
Manabu Tanaka, Kyushu University
- Yasunori Okano, Osaka University
- Hiroshi Suzuki, Kobe University
- Yasuhiro Saito, Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Manabu Tanaka, Kyushu University
Separation processes play important roles in energy saving, material recycling, and abatement of greenhouse gas emission, in the circumstances of depleting resources, increasing population, and progress of global warming. Further technological innovations in separation processes are essential for building a sustainable society. You are encouraged to submit papers related to the improvement of separation processes or the development of new separation processes, including fundamentals, theories, and applications to address specific separation problems.
The contents can include membrane separation, solid-fluid separation, distillation/absorption, adsorption/ion-exchange, extraction, new separation processes and materials.

Keynote talks
- “Integrated, intensified and hybrid distillation: Tomorrow workhorse for sustainable chemical process industries,”
Moonyong Lee, Yeungnam University
- “Challenges in centrifugal separation in biotechnology,”
Wallace Leung, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- “Porous MgO composite bead for sorption of chemical vapors and CO2,”
Chang-Ha Lee, Yonsei University
- “Omniphobic inorganic membranes fabricated through nanoarchitectured design of ZnO depositions,”
Kuo-Lun Tung, National Taiwan University
- “Development of new extractants for platinum group metals and analysis of the extraction mechanism,”
Hirokazu Narita, Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- Hideki Mori, Nagoya Institute of Technology
- Masashi Iwata, Osaka Prefecture University
- Tomohisa Yoshioka, Kobe University
- Koichiro Shiomori, Miyazaki University
- Keigo Matsuda, Yamagata University
- Tatsuya Oshima, Miyazaki University
- Jeong Won Kang, Korea University
This session deals with state-of-the-art research topics regarding catalysis and variety of reaction engineering such as sonochemistry, membrane reactors, reaction field engineering, CVD reactions, and micro-chemical processes.
The contents can include catalysis and catalytic processes, alternative reaction field, sonochemistry, reactive separation, membrane reactors, CVD processes, and micro-chemical processes.

Keynote talks
- “De-lignification mechanism of woody biomass by organosolv using 1-butanol/water mixture,”
Takao Masuda, Hokkaido University
- “Ultrasound, a potential game changer,”
Susumu Nii, Kagoshima University
- “Present and future status of membrane reactor projects in European countries,”
David Alfredo Pacheco Tanaka, TECNALIA
- “Efficient photoreaction progress under microflow conditions,”
Yasuhiro Nishiyama, Industrial Technology Center of Wakayama Prefecture
- “Solid fuel production from agricultural residues and its application in Malaysia,”
Yoshimitsu Uemura, Universiti Teknologi Petronas
- “Vapor-phase deposition of functional polymer films and their device applications,”
Sung Gap Im, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
- “Improved metal oxide ALD precursors for industrial applications,”
Christian Dussarrat, Air Liquide Laboratories
Invited talks
- “Forced unsteady state operation of a catalytic converter during cold start-up for oxidizing CO over Pt/γ-Al2O3 catalyst,”
Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- “Advanced surface characterisation and rational design of zeolite catalysts using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction,”
Benedict Tsz-woon Lo, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- “VLS growth of lead halide nanowires and their conversion into organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite,”
Naechul Shin, Inha University
- “Development of organosilica membrane with ionic liquid properties and its application to simultaneous separation of methanol and H2O from H2 and CO2,”
Yuichiro Hirota, Osaka University
- “Slug flow processing in microreactors: new mass transfer insights and potential applications in biomass conversion,”
Jun Yue, University of Groningen
- “Application of plasma-water interaction using atmospheric pressure plasma,”
Dong-Wook Kim, Inha University
- “Design methodology of the ultrasound process for zirconium phosphate fragmentation,”
Takafumi Horie, Kobe University
- Satoru Nishiyama, Kobe University (Chief of chairs)
- Teruoki Tago, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Poster session chair)
- Keizo Nakagawa, Kobe University
- Md. Azhar Uddin, Okayama University
- Kevin C.-W. Wu, National Taiwan University
- Daisuke Kobayashi, Tokyo Denki University
- Norikazu Nishiyama, Osaka University
- Shinsuke Mori, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Toshihiko Oota, Daikin Industries, Ltd.
- Azuchi Harano, Gunma University
In the design and operation of various production systems, energy systems and social systems, the computer and internet technologies are rapidly progressing. Furthermore, in recent years, the development of information technology based on mathematical and data science such as IoT, utilization of big data, AI, soft sensor, etc. is remarkable. This information technology is tried to be applied to various fields such as molecular design, physical property prediction and making plant smart. This session aims to discuss the future sustainable society incorporated with system and information technologies.
The contents can include process and product design/synthesis, process dynamics and control, scheduling and planning, supply chain management and logistics, decision making under uncertainty, integration of process operations and design/synthesis, modeling, analysis and simulation, optimization methods and computational tools, multi-scale systems engineering, energy, water, food, waste nexus, sustainable and renewable systems engineering, modular process intensification, pharmaceutical systems engineering, molecular and materials systems engineering, smart manufacturing and plant of the future, smart grid systems, urban/building systems engineering, big data research and development, man-machine interface systems engineering, safety driven systems engineering, industrial application, and regenerative medicine.

Keynote talks
- “Reinforcement learning— Overview of recent progress and potential applications for process systems engineering,”
Jay H. Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
- “Human behavioral informatics and cognitive engineering: Potential for enhancing process operations and safety,”
Rajagopalan Srinivasan, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- “Sustainable energy–water–food–waste nexus for a circular economy in smart city development,”
Xiaonan Wang, National University of Singapore (NUS)
- “Energy efficient design and control of reactive distillation processes via hybrid heat-integration and pervaporation arrangement,”
Hao-Yeh Lee, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- Makoto Sakurai, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Chief of chairs)
- Naoto Ohmura, Kobe University
- Masaru Noda, Fukuoka University
- Hirokazu Sugiyama, The University of Tokyo
- Hideyuki Matsumoto, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Yoshiyuki Yamashita, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- Dominic C. Y. Foo, The University of Nottingham
- Cheng-Liang Chen, National Taiwan University
- Takafumi Horie, Kobe University (Poster session chair)
Biotechnology is an indispensable technology for sustainable development in the world. In this session, we will focus on the biochemical engineering for the SDGs. The topics of this session are:
Process innovation in biotechnology,
Forefront research on food process engineering,
Biofabrication of 3D functional tissues, and
Environmental / sustainable biotechnology.
The contents can include process innovation in biotechnology, forefront research on food process engineering, biofabrication of 3D functional tissues, and environmental / sustainable biotechnology.

Keynote talks
- “Establishing an industrial–academic–government community to address challenges in biomanufacturing for mammalian cell cultures: The AMBIC model,”
Michael J. Betenbaugh, Johns Hopkins University
- “Tailoring food functional properties through powder processing and structuring,”
Judith Arfsten, Nestle
- “Marine-derived polysaccharides as engineering blocks for regenerative medicine,”
João F. Mano, University of Aveiro
- “Enabling high throughput platform technologies for smart biobreeding of green biomanufacturing,”
Xing Xinhui, Tsinghua University
- “Mining perturbed gene expression patterns for drug discovery,”
Hsuan-Cheng Huang, National Yang-Ming University
- Takeshi Omasa, Osaka University (Chief of chairs)
- Xing Xinhui, Tsinghua University
- Kazunori Nakashima, Hokkaido University (Poster session chair)
- Masaaki Konishi, Kitami Institute of Technology (Poster session chair)
Supercritical fluid technology is promising for the achievement of the sustainable industry and society. This session will be giving the potential topics regarding to supercritical fluids, such as fundamental property, chemical reaction, extraction, micronization, chemical process, material process, biomass and food engineering and industrial waste treatment.
The contents can include fundamental property, extraction and separation, chemical reaction, material processing, process intensification, flow chemistry, food engineering, material recycle and waste management, carbon cycle, CCS, CCU, biomass treatment, renewable energy, and environmental designer solvent.

Keynote talks
- “Supercritical fluids, gas expanded liquids and sub-critical water:
Process intensification tools for the formulation of drug delivery systems,”
Neil Foster, Curtin University
- “Supercritical fluid technology for innovation in drug product and medical device development,”
Elisabeth Badens, Aix-Marseille Université
- Takeshi Furuya, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- Masaru Watanabe, Tohoku University
- Yusuke Shimoyama, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Manop Charoenchaitrakool, Kasetsart University
Energy supply draws a keen attention because the exhaustion of energy resource is anticipated. In addition, use of fossil fuels is regarded as a major source of CO2 emissions. To solve the problems of energy supply and to attain the reduction of CO2 emissions, breakthrough of energy engineering is required. This session includes all aspects of energy technology, from energy sources including renewable energy sources such as biomass, clean utilization of fossil fuels, efficient energy conversion, to energy utilization.
The contents can include renewable energy sources, environment-friendly utilization of fossil fuels, energy conversion technologies, and efficient utilization of energy including heat utilization.

Keynote talks
- “Impact of highly porous adsorbent materials for utilization in waste heat driven adsorption cooling cycles,”
Bidyut Baran Saha, Kyushu University
- “CCT research and development to reduce CO2 emission on NEDO,”
Hiroyuki Nakui, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
- Tadaaki Shimizu, Niigata University
- Erliza Hambali, Bogor Agricultural University
- Koyo Norinaga, Nagoya University
- Mitsuhiro Kubota, Nagoya University
- Yukihiko Matsumura, Hiroshima University
Process safety management and technology
The contents can include risk communication, peration design, safety design, revision management, safety assessment, safety technology pass down, unmanned production problems, and materials safety.

- Tetsuo Fuchino, Tokyo Institute of Technology
All papers related to the electronics materials and processes are appreciated. Electrochemical engineering is a vital base for the electronics materials and processes and your submission of papers are highly encouraged.
The contents can include electrochemical process (battery, electroplating, etc.), electronic material processing (semiconductor production, manufacture of electronic circuit, etc.), micro-processing (etching, thin film, etc.), high-reliability design (high heat emission, short circuiting, etc.), interconnection (adhesion, bonding, etc.), and environmental sustainability.

Keynote talk
- “Advanced interconnect technology and chemical engineering,”
Takeshi Nogami, IBM
Invited talk
- “Materials development support project for high current SiC power module ˜ KAMOME Project ˜,”
Akio Takahashi, Yokohama National University
- Hitoshi Habuka, Yokohama National University
- Tadahiro Yokozawa, Ube Industries
Development of a smart process by controlling interfacial phenomena is the key factor for fabrication, structure control and application of functional materials. This session provides the opportunity of presentations and discussion on the material processing and interfacial control to achieve the SDGs through material and process innovation.
The contents can include functional materials, phase transition and phase separation, coating and thin films, crystallization, particles and colloids, and soft materials.

Keynote talks
- “Nanostructured catalysts for electrolytic water splitting,”
Shih-Yuan Lu, National Tsing Hua University
- “Highly stable and efficient perovskite solar cells with functional nanocomposites and interface engineering,”
Yoon-Bong Hahn, Chonbuk National University
- “Role of capillary hydrodynamics in thin-film formation flows,”
Jaewook Nam, Seoul National University
- “Printing technology for conductive feature and sensor fabrication,”
Ying-Chih Liao, National Taiwan University
- “Enzymatic biofuel cells using mediator embedded biocatalysts,”
Yongchai Kwon, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- “Control of interface of micro- and nano-composite particles and bubbles by high pressure technique,”
Kenji Mishima, Fukuoka University
- “Neccessity of hydrogen sciety and systematic material design for fuel cells and water electrolysis,”
Takeo Yamaguchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- “Surface melting of ice crystals visualized by advanced optical microscopy,”
Gen Sazaki, Hokkaido University
- “Recent progress of hybrid perovskite optoelectronics,”
Sang Hyuk Im, Korea University
- “Biopolymers are really environmental friendly?”
Tin Sin Lee, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
- Shinsuke Nagamine, Kyoto University
- Yoshiko Tsuji, The University of Tokyo
- Seiichi Takami, Nagoya University
- Toru Wakihara, The University of Tokyo
- Yoshiyuki Komoda, Kobe University
- Satoshi Watanabe, Kyoto University
- Koichi Igarashi, Osaka City University
- Tsutomu Ono, Okayama University
- Shih-Yuan Lu, National Tsing Hua University
- Yoon-Bong Hahn, Chonbuk National University
- Jaewook Nam, Seoul National University
This session invites the presentations of studies on environmental protection and sustainability improvement in terms of chemical engineering. Global environment, water environment, recycling, and environmental systems are particularly targeted. State-of-art technologies on pollution prevention, remediation, recycling, biomass utilization, global environmental protection as well as analyses such as material flow analysis will be presented and discussed.
The contents can include wastewater treatment, recovery of valuable substances, recycle/reuse, soil amelioration, gas cleanup, CO2 removal from the air, biological remediation, and biomass utilization.

Keynote talks
- “Biological risk and its control of reclaimed water,”
Hong-Ying Hu, Tsinghua University
- “Environmental applications of electrochemical membrane separation processes (BPED),”
Akihiro Yamasaki, Seikei University
- Chiharu Tokoro, Waseda University
- Masaki Sagehashi, National Institute of Public Health
- Jianghong Shi, South University of Science and Technology of China
- Atsushi Kurosawa, The Institute of Applied Energy
- Yuji Sakai, Kogakuin University
- Nobuhide Takahashi, Shinshu University
Discuss the challenge for sustainable operation of chemical plant for long term by material technology for chemical equipment materials. Facility inspections, management methods, etc., which required to keep high productivity and to ensure stable and safe operation in aging plants are becoming a problem. This session aims to give hints for participants to solve these problems through lectures and discussion related to the experience and knowledge of new material technology. Also, deepening exchanges among participants is an important item.
The contents can include corrosion engineering, plant maintenance engineering, organic materials for chemical plant, surface modification for severe environment, and remaining life assessment.

Keynote talk
- “Challenges on assessment of forensic polymer engineering: A path forward,”
Qumrul Ahsan, UTeM
- Masatoshi Kubouchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Chief of chairs)
- Terence Palad Tumolva, University of the Philippines Diliman
- Toshikazu Shibasaki, Chiyoda Corporation
- Yoshihiko Arao, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Poster session chair)
- Isamu Umeda, Dai-ichi High Frequency Co., Ltd. (Poster session chair)